
Showing posts from February, 2010

valentine's day 2010

hehe I saw this watch on MYPAPER before CNY. I told my husband this year buy that for me as valentine's gift. I expect he will ignore what I said ..... On 14th feb when I was having my after nap he woke me up n pass me a 7-11 bag, he said "nah, today is valentine's day, I passby 7-11 bought u chocolate ..." Initially I thought it was really chocolate, but when I open out the box I saw this beautiful watch. thanks dear, but I didn't get anything for him.... - Posted using BlogPress from Shirley's iPhone

hottest chilli sauce

this is one of the hottest chilli sauce I ever tried. - Posted using BlogPress from Shirley's iPhone

Mei Mei Started to Crawl

Zhen Zhen started on solid

This is her second type of solid after rice cereal, she is having pumkin puree.


先生的奶奶在二零一零年一月二十七日逝世,享年九十有一岁。 打从二十七日, 每晚我们都带着孩子们到奶奶逝世前的住所参加哀悼,每晚都有和尚为奶奶超度,其中还有一晚来了一群善心人士为奶奶助念安灵。 冬冬还小,并不懂得这些悲欢离合,我们只是告诉他,“曾祖母睡了,Xu ~~~ ” 回到家里,冬冬就开始学和尚敲鐘,边唱“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”。。。。这也让我深感为什么孟母需三迁,孔子曾说,“里仁为美。择不处仁,焉得知?” ** 冬冬学和尚敲鐘 **