
Showing posts from 2011

章鱼 vs 脏鱼

刚才与冬冬复习一些海洋生物字卡,一念完章鱼后他说:"i don't like dirty fish." Zzzzzzz....... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


上星期与冬冬老师会面后,老师对冬冬的评语还是不佳,唯有将老师上学期的字作成字卡。。。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Happycall 斑马蛋糕

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Happy call 杰作 - 暴米花

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HappyCall 的第一道菜肴 - 叉烧




Char Kuey Teow

Ingredients 1 tablespoon Garlic (Minced) 2 Chinese Sausage (Sliced) Prawns (peeled, deveined, soak into sugar water for about 30mins) 1 handful of bean sprouts 500g of Kuey Teow noodles Cockles (pour in boiled hot water into it for 2 mins, rinse it, and extract the cockles) 3 eggs Seasoning for noodle (B) 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce 5 tablespoon of light soy sauce 1 tablespoon of suger Few dashes of whitepepper ¼ teaspoon of salt Chili Paste (A) 1 handful of dried chilies (sock in hot water, remove the seed) 6 fresh red chilies 9 shallots Oil Salt 1.        Use food processor to grind chili paste (A) 2.        Heat wok with 2 tablespoon of oil; stir-fry the chili paste until fragrant. Dish out and set aside. 3.         Clean wok, heat it with high flame until it is starting to smoke, add 2 tablespoon of cooking oil. 4.        Add minced garlic and do a quick stir, add in Chinese sausage and prawns, stir fry till prawns turn white. 5.        Add in bean sprouts, follow by kuey te

KL Black Hokkien Mee

KL Black Hokkien Mee Ingredients Pork Meat (sliced) Shrimps (peeled, deveined) Squid (cut into ring) Fish Balls (Halved) Garlic (Minced) Chinese Cabbage (sliced abt 2 cm strips, discard the think stems) 500g of hokkien noodles Seasoning for noodle (B) 4 tablespoon of dark soy sauce 2 tablespoon of light soy sauce 400 ml of chicken / pork stock 1 tablespoon of suger Few dashes of whitepepper 1 tablespoon of cornflour 4 tablespoon of water Seasoning for pork meat (A) White pepper Soy sauce Oyster sauce Sesame oil Cornflour 1.        Marinate pork meet with Seasoning (A), set aside for about 30 mins. 2.        Heat work with 3 tablespoons of oil. 3.        Add in minced garlic, fry for 1 min, and add in pork meat, shrimps, fish balls for another 2 mins. Add in Chinese cabbage fry for another 1 min. 4.        Add in the hokkien noodle, toss for 2 mins. 5.        Add in the noodle seasoning (B) coat it evenly on noodle. 6.        Add in the chicken stock and toss it. 7.        Add in

A simple Sunday Dinner - Baked Cheesy Rice

Baked Cheesy Rice 芝士焗肉饭 2 cups rice 2 tablespoon of Butter 4 glove of garlic Carrot (Cubed) Broccoli (Cubed) 300 g Chicken Meat (cubed) Ham (cubed) * optional 2 glove of garlic (minced) ½ teaspoon of dried oregano ½ teaspoon of black pepper powder ¼ teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoon of Butter 1 Potato (removes skin & slice it) 1 can of Campbell mushroom soup 1 pkt of Parmesan Cheese or Mozzarella Cheese 1.        Wash and rinse rice, then transfer to rice cooker with 2 cups water (or adjust the water according to your rice cooker), add in butter & garlic. When rice is cooked, remove all from rice cooker and let it cool down. 2.        While waiting for the rice to cook, marinate chicken & ham with dried oregano, black pepper powder & salt. 3.        Heat work with enough cooking oil to stir fried the carrot & broccoli till well cooked dish out. 4.        With the same wok, add in 2 tablespoon of butter; add in the marinated chicken and ham cook till the chicken




我的耳朵近来有些问题。。。 痛了大约两个多星期,痛到头也疼了才愿意看医生。 家附近的家庭医生说没法子看到耳膜。他说我耳朵里有太多太多的耳油,而耳油把耳道给阻塞了。医生就给我发了耳滴要我连滴上一星期,每天给滴上三回。一星期后再回到他那里,他会用水把软化的耳油给冲出来。 因为痛我每天都记着医生的叮嘱,每天都让先生给我滴药。五天后痛没了而我也以为耳朵好了不必在滴药了。 第八天后,就是星期一,工作了半天后了,耳朵又开始痛了,痛得连声音也没什么听得见了,我不得不再次求医。到了那里医生听完我全文后在查看耳道,这医生也说没法子看到耳道。叫我再用前一位医生开的药在滴多四天在回去灌水。四天后就是今天,另一为医生看了后说,第一耳油太深入耳道,有很大的可能性是不可能用水冲出来的。 我对他说前一位医生叫我今天来把耳油冲出来的,那医生对我问,“那前一位医生有没有对你说一百%一定能冲出来呢?” 这倒给问倒了。 他说他可以用水冲但应该是冲不出什么来的,他问我要不要试一试,我还是决定先试一试。医生冲了两回,还真是冲不出什么来。 他把我转送到ENT 花了三白六十多元。。。。。好心痛喔!在Mt。E 专科,那里的医生说我的耳道窄小,还有长了fungi 。医生把耳油抽出来后,在上药,让我五天后在回去把药抽出来。。。看来又一笔医药费了。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


她有一位爱作发夹子的妈妈但她不爱绑头发。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


这是我的财产。。。。 准备给冬冬在他庆生日当天送给班上的小朋友的礼物。只限女生哦,男还子们就给他们买了蜡笔。 这是送给冬冬的英文老师的发夹。 以下是我近期给自己制作的发夹。


这是我小时候的儿时照片,也是我唯一的一张单人儿时照。 我刚送去一家相馆,须花一百五十元新币从洗一张。。。。 好贵哦!但有什么办法,这是我的唯一。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


(1)饼干底层 300克 消化饼干 140克 酥油 (2)奶油中层 250克 奶油乳酪 50克 幼糖 1茶匙香草精华 10克 胶粉 1/2 杯温水 10枚草莓 剖半 (3)果冻高层 2 盒果冻粉 125 毫升 烧开水 125 毫升 室温开水 步骤: (1)把消化饼干打碎。我是用个空玻璃罐把消化饼干压碎。 (2)将酥油加入压碎的消化饼干里,搅拌均匀。 (3)把搅拌均匀的碎饼干倒入10“ X 10" 的起司蛋糕模。 (4)把碎饼压紧,放入电冰箱约半小时,让饼干底层变硬。 (5)把奶油乳酪,幼糖,香草精华用搅拌机(低速)搅拌均匀。 (6)把胶粉倒入杯温水,用汤匙搅拌均匀。 (7)将胶粉分三次倒入奶油乳酪的混合物里(低速)搅拌均匀后倒入硬却的饼干上。 (8)把草莓排上,放入电冰箱约3到4小时,让乳酪变硬。 (9)把果冻粉倒入烧开水里搅拌均匀,再加上室温开水搅拌均匀,倒入起司蛋糕模里。 (10) 等果冻成形后就可以享用了。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


近几个星期六与星期天先生都必须工作到晚上十点多,而我就在家里照顾两位孩子。上星期六我给孩子与佣人都给气哭了,还是第一次气得在孩子们面前哭。。。儿子当时还递上卫生巾说,"mummy clean your own face please." 先生今天就慰劳我这妈妈。。。送上这顿晚餐。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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这几个星期孩子们的爸爸逢每个星期六与星期天都必须工作。 与两个孩子在一起有时后还真是气得我火爆的。家婆家公通常都不在,佣人就像是个可有可无的影子。 我得负责煮饭、帮孩子们冲凉。佣人在这已经一个多月了还是不会烧菜。有时我倒觉得我自己像佣人,在厨房里忙坏了,而佣人站在厨房那里就像千与千寻里的无面人。不是说佣人长得像鬼,只不过他没有办法帮上忙。 先生说今天可以八点回家,就等他要回来时才开始烧饭, 不然饭冷冷的。。。。 怕佣人和孩子们饿坏了,我都把他们的分量都煮好了,他们也吃饱了。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


今天早上,一到达半公楼在等电梯的当儿,就把手往包包里掏出入门卡,突然好多东东也随着入门卡拉出时滴滴答答的掉落满地。。。。。 这是我女儿的杰作,作晚看见她把手往我包包里掏,我以为她是想拿我包包里的东西。。。。。 没想到是通心粉。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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上个星期六是先生的生日,但他必须工作一整天。 下午时我就带着孩子们到白沙广场为先生买个生日蛋糕。 等到晚上先生下班回家时,我对冬冬说蛋糕的事是一件秘密不可以告诉爸爸。他也忙点点头的答应我。 当先生把晚饭吃完后,就忙着玩手机里地一些app,我就叫冬冬到我那里,然后在他耳边轻声的叫他去催先生赶快把汤喝完,再把生日蛋糕那出来给先生一个惊喜。 冬冬就对先生说:“daddy 快点把汤喝完。” 先生一口把汤喝完后,站起来就往睡房走说,边走边对着孩子们说:“ok 喝完了,很晚了,去睡觉了。” 冬冬一听回房睡觉就急着高嚷,“但是我们还没吃蛋糕呢。。。。。。” - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1.        Soak 300g glutinous rice for 2 hours. 2.        Marinate chicken meat with oyster sauce, sesame oil, black soy sauce, shao Xing Jiu, pepper, honey & ginger ale, set aside. 3.        Soak 8 Chinese mushrooms, w hen softened, drain and squeeze dry the mushrooms, reserving the liquid. 4.        Slide 2 Chinese sausages. 5.        Seasoning ingredient for glutinous rice. 2 table spoon of : oyster sauce, light soy sauce, Shao xing jiu, sugar, water. & a pinch of salt. 6.        Drain glutinous rice. 7.        Heat wok with add oil & chopped garlic, stir-fry 2 min, add in glutinous rice, continue to stir fry, on and off add in the reserved mushrooms liquid bit by bit, and also the seasoning ingredient for glutinous rice. 8.        Arrange the Chinese sausage, mushrooms, marinated chicken meat, in bowl then add on the pre-cooked glutinous rice. 9.        Steam 30 to 40 mins. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Red Cabbage pH Indicator - the sweet smell of science for your kids!!!
