
Showing posts from May, 2014

Thankfulness is the secret to human contentment

Life is not fair!! Unfairness is relative to our circumstances.  Therefore be prudent and teach your children how to be content. Point out ti them just how much they have that others lack. Only when you learn to be thankful for what you have wilk you learn to be content.
「當你遇到困難,老天卻沒有伸出援手,是因為他相信你可以克服。」 天無絕人之路,只要還有心,一步一步就能往前。  

1st May 2014

今天是劳动节, 也是一个公共假期。 我们也有机会带着孩子出去走走。 我们先到中峇鲁吃早餐。