
Showing posts from June, 2008

A Few Shots

Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Singapore Cursing Method

Hydrotherapy at Punggol Plaza - Nov 2007

Brought my baby to Punggol Plaza to try out the Hydrotherapy. A special service targeted at babies aged three to 12 months. Infants can enjoy a whale of a time in a hydrotherapy session, which is a 20-minute dip in a tub of warm water and supervised by an attendant. Besides strengthening muscles and lungs, the treatment improves the sleeping patterns and bowel movements of the infant.

Sushi Go Round

First thing in the morning

Every morning when I carry him out from the room and place him on the LG bumper mat, he will first reach out for his toy box ….

Dong Dong favorate corner

He loves to play here, because the musical chair is here! He can learn to twist around in the sitting position. He can exercise his arms. He can exercise his tummy muscles. He can learn to pull up to stand! He can relax his eyes. Most importantly, he can 'bio' girl girl in the pool...

Dong Dong first Swimming experience

This is Dong Dong first swimming experience in swimming pool. Actually we brought him once to the Punggol Plaza for Hydrotherapy where the babies ���swim��� in the tab, but that was when he is going to three months old. See he is so excited!!

KFC“Home Delivery”to Office

今天, 我们一班同事, 使用KFC“Home Delivery” 服务点了肯德基家乡鸡。 我们一伙人就在等待的当儿, 就闲聊起来, 当时FedEx 的递送员还在我们的reception 柜台, 我就说, “看来FedEx的服务好象是比DHL好。” 一位常爱说笑的同事说, “DHL 每次都是 Delivery Half way Lost” 他一说完, 另一位同事就接着说, “馒头和叉烧包本来是一对情侣, 他们不管去到那里都是成双成对的, 形影不离, 好比一对鸳鸯。 有一天, 馒头和叉烧包分手了, 叉烧包哭的好伤心, 而馒头却像是没什么的, 这是为什么呢?” “因为馒头没有feeling (馅)。” 一个接一个的笑话, 让我们笑得合不拢嘴。。。。  从打电话点了KFC, 已过了一小时, 肚子也已经敲锣打鼓了。。。 KFC 还没送到。。。 拨了两通电话KFC终于送到了, 但是少送了一个, coleslaw。 看看, 我的同事饿到连KFC的朔胶带也不放过。。 也许, KFC 不只是finger lickin'good and theplastic carrier also nice to be eaten.

Why Daddy is Great

Make a Smilebox free ecard

Our courtship

My husband Hwee aka SRT and me, Shirley aka poo started our courtship through “Feng Wan Online”. Our first meet up in real life was thru an event organized by the previous game operator, namely EdenII. From there we got to know that both of our game characters levels are similar and we started to party and leveling up our characters together. There was once wherein some of the SG FWO players organized to meet up for a chat at Border Book Store at Orchard and promised to turn up, but because he was stuck in his mahjong session, one of the players gave his hand phone number to me to send him an sms. I sent a message to him and told him that if he does not appear that night, he will be in our KOS (Kill On Sight) list. Of course, he finally popped in but AFTER 3 to 4 hours later. Since then, we started to sms each other and occasionally I would attend few bowling sessions which he and his friends were participating in and they are of course FWO players too. His previous work pla...


  白羊座:勇气   白羊座是乐观向上的星座, 他们靠着一股执着的勇气去克服困难,冲出逆境,一旦失去了勇气,勇敢的白羊座就会变成任人宰割的小绵羊了。   金牛座:金钱   金牛座是金钱至上,认为金钱可以做一切事情的星座。他们经常不知所畏的存一些不知道用来做什么的钱,如果一下子失去一大笔金钱,将是最令他们痛心的事。   双子座:自由   双子座是个喜欢自由自在,最讨厌被任何事情所绊住的星座,如果有人24小时全天候的监视着他,他先是会大吵大闹,闹累了,非郁闷而死不可^^   巨蟹座:家庭   巨蟹座是个善良,有同请心的星座,虽然他们很会关心别人,同时他们也有一种依赖的心理,害怕孤单一人,最需要的是家庭的温暖。   狮子座:自尊   狮子座是一身傲气,丝毫吃不的亏的星座。眼睛长在头顶上的他,只许自己看扁别人,而他的自尊心却是别人万万践踏不得的禁地。   处女座:听众   处女座是一个喜欢东拉西扯,从天上到地下无所不谈的星座。他们希望有人能够听他们那些时而有趣时而无聊的说辞。   天秤座:朋友   天秤座是一个害怕郁闷,无时无刻不想要人陪的星座。他们声边总是有大群的朋友,如果有天朋友们弃他而去,他会哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。   天蝎座:理智   天蝎座是一贯内心理智得像冰同时炽热得像火的星座。理智控制着他的一切行动,如果他会脱去理智的外壳,露出狂热的一面,将会是不可收拾的。   射手座:流行   射手座是一贯喜欢不断更新,做怕一成不变的星座。他能满足于流行的千变万化,追求流行的刺激更能让他释放浑声的光和热。   摩羯座:信任   摩羯座是一贯圆滑,无论在任何情况下都和上司相处的很好的星座。如果因为某些事使上司对他失去了原本的信任,会让他痛不欲生的。   水瓶座:灵感   水瓶座是一个头脑反应快,思维灵活的星座。他们所想到的很多东西都是源于灵感,如果失去了灵感,聪明的瓶子也会变成笨蛋的分了。   双鱼座:梦想   双鱼座是一个爱幻想,精神空虚的星座。由于他长期需要一个精神支柱,所以常常有一些不不切实际的梦想,一旦梦想破灭了,可以想象。   我是双子座, 所以别绑着我。。。 不然我就会翠翠念咯。。

Trying to Take e pic of my Son pic to apply for Passport

Make a Smilebox slideshow

点辣椒螃蟹, 送鱼钩 (有买有送)

昨天是父亲节, 我们一家人便到家隔壁的加啡店吃晚餐。 我们点了好几种菜肴, 油条海鲜, 番薯叶, 清蒸顺壳鱼 , 豆腐等, 其中的一道新加坡佳肴 --- 辣椒螃蟹, 当辣椒螃蟹送上时, 我就夹了螃蟹背的那一大片壳。 还没好好的吃上几口, 我就在那螃蟹的找到了一个大约有一寸长的鱼钩, 真是好险啊, 幸亏是我拿了那一片, 不然被家公还是家婆吃了就不得了, 因为他们年纪大了, 也许没看清楚就把鱼钩也吃下去了。 家公等侍者送上其他的菜肴时, 要那侍者把领班叫来, 当领班来到时我们就告诉他有关鱼钩的事, 他就把我们放在盘里的鱼钩, 连盘带鱼钩都带走了, 不久就来了另一位领班, 她又在问我们在那里找到鱼钩, 还问是一个鱼钩还是两个鱼钩。 我对他说, “一个鱼钩都不得了啦, 如果是两个鱼钩不是要我的命吗?” 她笑了笑, 对我说 :“等一下我们会给你折扣。” 吃完饭后, 当我们付款时, 我把现金给了他, 然后, 我仔细的在帐单上看看他们给了我什么折扣。 在辣椒螃蟹的格子上填着1.9 kg, 所以乘上 S$45.00 因为之前他有告诉我螃蟹100g S$4.50。 他们竟然忘了给我折扣, 我就把帐单带到他们的柜台, 对他说, “螃蟹算错钱了。”  刚才的来到我们桌位那一位领班, 用计算机, 按了一回儿, 对我说 :“1.9 kg 我就乘上 S$45.00 , 是S$85.50, 没错啊。” 我就对他说, “你忘了给我折扣。” 刚才的那一位领班对我说 :“什么折扣?” 因为还有几名顾客站在那里, 我就说 :“刚才螃蟹里的。。”, 我就一面用手比了J 好几回。 领班还是对我说, “什么折扣?” 我就不客气的说, :“刚才我的辣椒螃蟹有鱼钩, 你说会给我折扣的。” “还有是你逼我的, 我并不打算在你其他顾客面前说出来的。。” 。。。。。。。。。。 当然,到后来他们给我打了九折。