
Showing posts from April, 2010

冬冬 update

冬冬除了会“鹅鹅鹅”, “清明”,“春晓”,他还会, “锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁念盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” “白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”

CEO is in town .....

Wait ah..... let me have my morning coffee first - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

latest model of automobile

This is the latest model of automobile being used in Vietnam.

Promenade MRT Station

Today is my first day taking the new circle line back home after work. The circle line is open on 17th April 2010, the station nearby my work place is Promenade MRT station, from there i just need to take the train till Paya Lebar, then change to the Eash West line ...then at the interchange, take a bus back home. It took about 40 mins from office till home.

Hair Clips to my lovely niece in USA

Preparing to send out via Singpost The following 2 video clips showing the moment she receiving the hair clips. Video Clips 1 Video Clips 2

Behind Every Successful Boss is a ......... Secretaries

Today our company is celebrating the Secretaries Week at AquaMarine ..... Door gift of a pair of teddy bears My second family !!!

Collection of Passport

21st April 2010, my husband and I went on leave to go down to ICA building to collect his and my baby girl passport. We applied online thru ICA website, namely “Application for Passport On-line Electronic System (APPLES)”, which would be S$10/- cheaper as compared to applications made over the counter. It take about 3 working days from the day we submitted our application online, when the passport is ready for collection, ICA will send you e-mail and mailer, and we made the e-Appointment to collect it on 21st Apr. After collection of passport, we planned to go to take our breakfast at Lavender Food Square, we love the Kok Kee Wan Ton Noodle, too bad when we was there the store still not open yet, so we had prawn noodle instead. After breakfast, we headed down to Jurong to service our Samsung laptop. This is the second times we went down, this time the service staff told us the it is the motherboard problem, should we replace only the motherboard, it will cost us about five to six hun...

Baby's Day Out - Crawling Competition

finally i have time to upload the photos from my camera.. This is the photo taken on the Baby's Day Out, Crawling competition .......


My son was pointing on a piece of photo with air-plane. He then asked me, “mummy, aeroplane leh???.” I just pointed on that same photo and said, “this is aeroplane.” He replied and said, “No.” At the same time he said, “That is helicopter.” .....................

Panda vs. Tree Branch

Bath Time


The apple tree

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He loved the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow...He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by....... The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday. One day the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. "Come play with me," the asked the boy. I am no longer a kid, I don't ' play around trees anymore." The boy replied, "I want toys. I need money to buy them." "Sorry, but I don't have money.....but you can pick my apples and sell them. Then you will have money." The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.The tree was sad.. One day the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "Come and play with me" the tree said. I don't have time to play. I have to work for ...

DIY lady bug bow


Pull Up to Stand

Baby's Day Out

We attended the Baby’s Day out event on 17th Apr 2010 organized by NTUC, U Family. This event including, talks on ‘A Strong and Healthy Child’ & ‘Importance of relationships to infant and toddler development’, baby crawling contest, photography session, exercise with baby, craft activities for baby's order siblings & etc. During the talks, Dr highlighted that when preparing porridge for baby, do not add too much potatoes, pumpkin because, rice and pumpkin already contained high carbohydrate. The ‘exercise with baby’ only limited to 10 adult with baby … so not everyone can joint the class…. My colleague, Marion, she helped me to register my 8 month old daughter for the "Baby crawling contest", surprising, my daughter won a prize! We left after the baby crawling contest, because both my elder and my baby are very tired. My colleague collected the prize on my behalf.

Stucked Bow


Flower Bow


Tails Down Bow


Pinwheel Bow


Double Pinwheel Bow


Double Split Tails Bows


Split Tails Bows


Twisted Boutique Bow


Basic Boutique Bow


Tuxedo Bows


Simple Line Hair Clips


Itty Bitty Hair Bow


Lady Bug


Parent Relief For YA 2010

This year if you are claiming Parent Relief, you can claim parent relief of $7,000 if your parent is living with you and $4,500 if not. If you are filling via e-Filing system, you will notice that if you did make the claim last year, the e-filling system does not reflect the updated relief amount. According to IRAS, it will be automatically granted to you when IRAS process your return. The Notice of Assessment for YA 2010 will reflect the increase in Parent Relief accordingly.

Sunset Grill & Pub




Swimming Session


Bob the Builder


唐诗 - 清明 - 杜牧

唐诗 - 春晓 - 孟浩然


Received the following from my colleague .... 一天,听一个朋友说起一个故事:两个好朋友,各有一个差不多大的孩子,两个孩子在一起慢慢长大。可是后来一个孩子不小心溺水身亡了。孩子的妈妈每次一见到她的朋友就泪流满面,都会说同一句话:我的孩子太可怜了,从没过过一天好日子。每天都在读书,都在我们的督促下做各种他/她不喜欢的事情。另一个孩子的妈妈听了后,就感触良多:生命的变数太多了,我现在能每天看到这个孩子已经是天大的幸福。只希望能在有生之年,尽一切可能让孩子过的幸福。不把太多压力与期待放孩子身上,而放手让他/她自由快乐成长。 谁也不知道,我还能拥有我的孩子多少年?我们从来没想过意外的发生,我们也不愿意去想,这是我们无法承受的事情,祈求我们的孩子健健康康,平平安安。我们能拥有我们的孩子多少年?或许,我们从来考虑过这个问题。 圣经里说:“儿女是耶和华的产业。”我们只是代为抚养。他/她们总会长大,总会离开,有他/她们自己的家庭。只是我们不曾想过,原来,我们拥有他/她们的日子,其实是那么少。 3岁,他/她去上幼儿园了,看着他/她小小的坚强的背影,心中又喜悦又有点小小的心酸。离别了一整天,孩子看到你高兴得奔跑过来,扑在你的怀里。跟你说:爸爸(妈妈),我想你了。那一刻,抱着孩子就像抱着了整个世界。 6岁,他/她上小学了,孩子终于走进校门,这是多么值得纪念的事情,孩子的人生从此翻开了新的篇章,却没想到,这也是孩子离开我们的第一步。他/她已经对与你分开一天习以为常了,而且他/她喜欢每天去学校,这是他/她更喜欢的生活。甚至,他/她有时还会说:爸爸(妈妈),在家好无聊,没有小朋友和我玩。 12岁,他/她上初中了,甚至有的开始上寄宿学校,一个月或者几个月回一次家,见上一次面。他/她们开始不再依赖你,甚至,他/她们喜欢和你对着干。你想帮他/她们做点事情,他/她们说:爸爸(妈妈),我自己来吧。突然觉得这句话让我们觉得好失落,孩子是不是不再需要我们了? 18岁,他/她离开你去上大学,一年回来两次。回来的好几天前,家里的冰箱就装不下了,为他/她准备了各种各样他/她喜欢吃的东西。可是一回来打个照面,他/她就忙着和同学朋友聚会去了。从此,你最怕听到的一句话是:爸爸(妈妈),我不回家吃饭了,你们自己吃吧。 大学毕业后,孩子留在了远方工作,一年也难的回来一次了。好不...