
Showing posts from July, 2012

Collection of Renunciation Certificate at Malaysia High Comm

Once renunciation of your Malaysian citizenship has been approved, you will receive a letter (email) from Malaysia High Commission asking you to go down to collect your Form K and birth certificate within one month from the date of the e-mail. You have to bring down the following documentation: i)        Singapore Identity Card (photocopy front and back of identity card); ii)      Singapore Citizenship Certificate (photocopy front and back of certificate);  iii)     Singapore Passport (photocopy of page with photograph of passport holder); and iv)       Deed Poll / Baptism (if name has been changed), if applicable. Note: a) If you have temporary Singapore ID, please get  “certified copy” of your Singapore ID. and Citizenship certificate from ICA Singapore before coming to the High Comm...

鱼露蒸花腩 - Steamed pork belly with Thai sauce

材料: 400g 五花肉 15g 姜丝 1 条 红辣椒 1 tbsp 绍兴酒 1 tbsp 清水 调味料 1.5 tbsp 泰国鱼露 1/2 tbsp 粟粉 1/2 tsp 胡椒粉 1/2 tsp 麻油 做法: 把五花肉及调味料拌均匀,放在蒸盘上,盛入预热蒸炉以大火蒸15分钟,即可上桌。 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

米奇老鼠小饼干 - Butter Cookies

Ingredients – 75g Butter 45g Sugar (I reduced to 40g) Pinch of salt 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg yolk 140g cake flour 1/4 baking powder 3 teaspoon of cornflour Method – Cream butter, sugar, salt and vanilla beat till creamy (Im using a handheld electrical mixer) Add in the yolk and blend well Sieve in the flour and baking powder into the mixture Add in the cornflour and mix well Shape the dough using a any moulds Place about 1.5cm between the slices for expansion when baking Preheat oven at 180C Bake at 165C for about 15mins.


牛油饼 粟米粉 100 克 面粉 80 克 粘米粉 50 克 糖粉 60 克 发粉 1 小匙 含盐牛油 90 克 无盐牛油 90 克 将全部粉类混合均匀,过筛。 加入牛油,揉成面团。 将面团擀成1.2cm厚,接着再切成2cm x 5cm的长方形。排入烤盘上。 用叉子在表面叉洞。 预热烤箱150度,烘烤25分钟。 这是从 星厨房  那里带来的 ^^ - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone