Hao Dong Finally Did it!

27th Dec 2008 is Deepavali.

27th Dec 2008 baby Hao Dong is 13 months 23 days old.

27th Dec 2008 baby Hao Dong recorded a development milestone that I will never forget – - taking his first step.

Before baby Hao Dong started to walk, MIL always told me that, XXX baby staying at 3rd floor which a few weeks younger the Dong Dong already able to walk steadily. She also added some commends such as I have to let baby eat a little bit salt and this will help baby to start to walk. @.@

Waiting for my baby to start to walk already an anxious time for first time parents like me, by comparing others children able to walk at an earlier age would be an added stress to me.

In fact, there is little a parent can do, to get their children walking except to provide plenty of active play time to encourage the healthy development of the muscle tone and coordination.

Last but not least do not forget to praise baby for their progress. Babies are social beings and enjoy positive interaction with their parents and other caregivers, so be sure to engage your baby, both physically and intellectually, in order to help them to reach their highest potential.


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