大闸蟹 at Capital Restaurant (首都大酒家)
Yesterday, my sister in law treated us free dinner at Capital Restaurant (首都大酒家) located in Chinatown. Although the Chinese name 大酒家, but the restaurant is not a BIG restaurant.
She order Hairy crabs (大闸蟹), this is first time in my life to try大闸蟹. It is really delicious. Yummy!!!
大闸蟹, named for the golden-brown hairy bristles found on their pincers and legs, are in peak season from September to December, that is why people always said 秋风起 ·蟹脚痒· 菊花开 ·闻蟹来
Unlike the more familiar Sri Lankan crabs, these freshwater crustaceans are small in size and weigh 200g to 300g.
When they served the大闸蟹, its came with TAG!!!
The best hairy specimens are said to come from Yangcheng Lake in China's Jiangsu province where the waters are clean and contain the right nutrients for the crab to feed on.
Because of the premium placed on these crabs, many farmers have tried to pass off others reared in other lakes as the real deal.
To keep the counterfeit crabs in check, crustaceans from Jiangsu province come tagged with serial numbers, and some even have them etched in laser on the shell.
They are prized for their rich, custard-like roe and their meat is also sweeter than that of other crabs. Both male and female crabs produce roe but the female crabs mature earlier, in September, which is when they are best eaten. The male ones mature between October and November.
The best way to have a hairy crab is to steam it for about 15 minutes till it turns orange-red. Eat it with a vinegar-ginger dip to counterbalance its cooling property or drink ginger tea or a yellow rice wine such as shaoxing wine.